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Why I Ride: Ronan Le Moigne

For people who know me, I have been in the cancer battle field for more than 15 years now, and my professional career has been aimed at helping patient and providing them better drugs. More recently, I realized that developing drugs is something, but interacting with the patients and people directly touched by the disease is another way of achieving my goal. It is important to be reminded that the disease is not just a patient number, or a name in the news. People are touched, sometimes young, they will suffer, they will fight, some will lose their battle, and...
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Survivor Story: Holly Tomlin
Survivor Stories

Survivor Story: Holly Tomlin

  On June 30, 2015, Holly went into surgery for a pelvic mass that was found on an ultrasound just the day before. During the surgery, the tumor was successfully removed and Holly thought all was well. The initial pathology showed that the tumor was not cancerous, but on July 9, 2015, all of that drastically changed. Dreadfully, Holly received a chilling and life-chaning phone call that no one ever wants to receive. The Doctors informed Holly that the tumor was indeed cancer, and she immediately froze with uncertainty. The Doctors briefed Holly on the Stage 1C Immature Teratoma in her body, which she...
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Why I Ride: Yangzhong Tang

I want to share a story with you about my mom-in-law who is a two-time cancer survivor, which is why I ride for the “Wheel to Survive” event. Her name is Shi-An Sun. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2005 and had rounds of chemotherapy. After fighting her breast cancer for 9 years, she was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2014. During this tough time, she lost her husband and her mother, who both died from cancers. Cancers hit her hard over and over again. Yet, she’s been fighting this toughest fight, always holding up her head, smiling. The...
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Survivor Story: Misty Worrell
Survivor Stories

Survivor Story: Misty Worrell

  In July of 2015 I was at work on a Saturday afternoon at the Freedom Over Texas event in Houston. I'm a 26 year paramedic who decided five years ago to get off the ambulance and move "behind a desk". I followed my dream and wound up working in Emergency Management for a contractor of the state of Texas. I surround myself with medical professionals so naturally, when I complained of calf pain we all joked "oh it's a DVT" or blood clot. I'd had a complaint of frequent urination for about a month but it was not consistent. A...
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Why I Ride: Yangzhong Tang

I want to share a story with you about my mom-in-law who is a two-time cancer survivor, which is why I ride for the “Wheel to Survive” event. Her name is Shi-An Sun. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2005 and had rounds of chemotherapy. After fighting her breast cancer for 9 years, she was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2014. During this tough time, she lost her husband and her mother, who both died from cancers. Cancers hit her hard over and over again. Yet, she’s been fighting this toughest fight, always holding up her head, smiling. The...
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Why I Ride: Lauren Brigance

I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2014 and am so lucky to have recently celebrated two years in remission!  Since I started feeling better, I have been looking for a way to help other people going through the same thing and I finally found it.  I am so excited to be able to raise money for something that's very important to me by doing something I love - cycling! On September 25, 2016, I will be participating in Wheel to Survive, a six hour indoor cycling event to raise money to help women batting ovarian cancer today and to provide...
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Why I Ride: Kim Pokroy

My mom, Jill Levy, is the most beautiful (inside and out!), kind, generous, honest, sincere, loving woman I know.  I am incredibly blessed to have such a special woman as my very own mother; she is the best role model for me to strive to be the best mom that I can be to my children.  She is an even better grandmother!  We all love her so much and can't imagine life without her.  My mom was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer 8 years ago and because of her incredible doctors, research, treatments, her unbelievable positive attitude and of course lots...
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A Father and Daughter’s BRCA Story

A Father and Daughter’s BRCA Story

Alan watched his daughter, Jill, bravely fight ovarian cancer, but had no idea he passed along the genetic mutation that put her at risk for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer. This is their story.   When were you diagnosed with ovarian cancer? How were you diagnosed? Jill: I was diagnosed August 16, 2007.  I had a persistent cough that was a result of the cancer metastasizing to the lining of my lung. What did you know, if anything, about the BRCA mutation before your diagnosis? Jill: As an Ashkenazi Jew, I was aware of the BRCA mutation but had no reason to believe that...
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Five Reasons to LOVE Indoor Cycling

 via GIPHY here is a contagious energy that ignites the room as the music begins playing and the gears start moving. Indoor cycling can seem intense and fast-paced, but it is a great work-out for any fitness level. Not convinced? Maybe these five physical benefits will change your mind. Low-Impact For a high-intensity workout, indoor cycling is surprisingly low-impact. In fact, many people recovering from orthopedic injuries use indoor cycling to get back on track. When your bike is set correctly and you ride with proper form,there is minimal impact on the bones and joints. The circular motion of the pedals allows for...
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Why I Ride: Tracey Blumrosen

sister, Lauren "Lolly" Kugler, was diagnosed with Stage 4 ovarian cancer at the age of 37. She had many surgeries, chemo and radiation treatments, and she fought the disease with such grace and dignity. Sadly, she passed away on December 26, 2012 at the age of 42, leaving behind her 10 year old daughter, Mikayla. Besides being my baby sister, she was my best friend. When I was asked to Co-Chair the first Wheel to Survive Houston event, I immediately said yes. I'm so happy to be helping a cause that is so close to my heart. The most amazing...
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Why I Ride: Megan Little

My mom was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in August 2013. Thankfully, she was in remission by the following January, but unfortunately, the cancer recurred, and she's fighting the fight once again. My mom loves going to spin class, and she told me about this event and how excited she is to attend. I want to do this event for her, as a way to thank her for everything that she has taught me. She is an inspiration to me everyday, and this is one way I can thank her for all that she does for me. She taught me that life is worth...
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Wheel to Survive Austin 2016 Special Thanks

With 115 riders and almost $60,000 raised for ovarian cancer research, Wheel to Survive Austin 2016 was a success. Be the Difference Foundation would like to extend a special thanks to the following individuals and organizations who made this year’s event one to remember
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